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TGR Tested: Lost Range CBD

lost range.® CBD has a range of awesome products but these three were definitely the go-to. 

I first heard about lost range.® CBD a few years back at a rafting film premiere in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I was born and raised in Colorado and went to college in Washington, so the CBD movement wasn’t foreign to me, but I’d never really given it a try. lost range.® was founded by two college friends with a passion for being active outdoors. Their mission was to make their all-natural, sustainable and cruelty free CBD products accessible to all people. Their founders run in many of the same whitewater circles that I did living in Steamboat, so it was only natural that our paths crossed eventually. Their products are made from organic hemp and small batch crafted in Steamboat. lost range.® gave out samples the night of a film premiere I attended in Steamboat and after using it a couple of times, I knew I had to get my hands on more. So, when they reached out about testing some of their products, I was beyond stoked.

Flash forward a few years and I've found myself being awoken by the rustling of a drysuit. Todd, whose living room floor I had been sleeping on, is putting his drysuit on in front of me. “Want to go for a Truss lap?” He asked. I sat up on one elbow and immediately felt how stiff my back was. “I’m all good,” I replied. “I’m all good,” I replied. As soon as Todd was out the door, I fell back asleep only to wake up a couple of hours later to my already stiff back even stiffer. Nice.

A beautiful view of the Columbia River Gorge and also the stuff that saved my poor back on a paddling trip. 

We had driven roughly twelve hours from Jackson, Wyoming to the Columbia River Gorge the day before and paddled the Middle White Salmon as soon as we got to town. The Middle isn’t a hard stretch of river, but has enough boofs (strokes pulled over the edge of a rock usually to launch off and land flat) to remind myself that I hadn’t kayaked since Christmas day. Combine that with my only-so-comfy truck seats and a night sleeping on a paco pad, physically, we were in rough shape. But low and behold, I had a secret weapon at my disposal: lost range.® CBD Gold Buckle Muscle and Joint rub.

Upon standing, I knew my back was in real trouble if I wanted to paddle the rest of the trip. I slid into my shoes and went to retrieve my CBD from my truck. After a healthy dose of the Gold Buckle (4000mg, and I've heard it works wonders used with their Gold Buckle Full Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture) joint rub on my back, shoulders, and obliques - I was ready to paddle again. When my friends returned from the Truss, we headed to BZ for another Middle lap.

Find yourself someone who looks at you the way I look at CBD. Joey Searle photo.

Remember when I said the Middle wasn’t hard? It’s really not, but being pretty rusty, I managed to flip in a rapid called Waterspout. After carping a roll and finding some nice, mossy, North-Westy rocks with my head, one of my paddling partners came to my rescue. As he set up to help flip me back over, I also set up to flip myself back over, and the result was him running my head over with his boat. As soon as I was upright, I knew I was going to need more CBD on my neck in the next twelve hours. So, when we took off the river, I made sure it was next to the driver's seat for a quick rally to Portland.

Several days later, it started to snow in White Salmon. While paddling in the snow is fun, it’s not ideal kayaking weather, so we packed up and rallied back to Jackson. After four days of paddling and a whole lot of driving, I’d made a sizable dent in the jar of Muscle and Joint rub. Although the Gold Buckle contained more actual CBD, the classic CBD Muscle and Joint Rub felt like it totally relieved the sore parts of my back and shoulders and works even better if you use it with the 2000mg Isolate CBD Oil Tincture. I’d pretty much been putting it all over that area as soon as we got off the river every day, and I felt good enough to paddle again the next day, despite not totally being in paddling shape. Being on the river also dried my hands out more than you’d expect, and a couple cuts from the sizes of my boat meant my thumbs and fingers were pretty raw. The 1000mg skin salve lost range.® had sent me was perfect to return a little moisture to my hands (as well as to the new tattoo I’d acquired along the way) and helped to heal my classic ‘roll scar.’

A classic 'roll scar' for kayakers. CBD definitely helps this one. 

We arrived back in Jackson to find that winter had fully returned, and I couldn’t resist a Glory lap before work on my first day back. However, I knew paddling had taken a toll on my back, and I could feel the stiffness in my low back just before the bootpack. About a third of the way up, I knew that my CBD stash waiting for me in my truck would get me through a day of being at my desk. Sure enough, after a quick dose of joint rub on my low back, I was ready to crank through a day of everything I’d missed while on my trip.

Essentials for a morning Glory lap before a long day of work. 

My trip was a perfect time to test the full extent of lost range.®’s products, but even in my everyday life, they’ve been incredible to have around. The combination of working a desk job and being a pretty active person means my body goes through all sorts of different pains. Having something as easy and efficient as the joint rub or tincture that I can throw in my work bag, ski pack, camera bag, or truck is amazing. Putting a little bit on my neck when I’ve been bent over my laptop editing for too many hours goes a long way. Other notable lost range.® products include their CBD bath salts, which used in the tub or sprinkled on the floor of your shower will make you feel like a million bucks. Also adding their new Gold Buckle tincture and a little of the CBD Honey in a cup of tea before bed will make even the most stressed out of people sleep like angels. If I wasn’t already on the CBD train before trying lost range.®, I definitely am now. 

From The Column: TGR Tested

About The Author

stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.

Damn, do you think it can help with d*ck pain after 7 hours of s*x with Zim escorts???
