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K2 Summit Team Successful Without Oxygen

After snow conditions on the world’s second-highest mountain were deemed too dangerous by most teams, a team of climbers made it to the summit of K2 in perfect conditions. The teams included climbers Adrian Ballinger, Carla Perez, Nirmal Purja, Esteban ‘Topo’ Mena, Palden Nagye, and Pemba Gelje Sherpa. Ballinger and Perez summitted without supplemental oxygen.

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The mountain is often considered to be one of the most dangerous in the world, largely due to how the most dangerous and technical climbing comes above 8000 meters. The infamous bottleneck section, a steep snowfield beneath a massive hanging serac, was covered in deep snow when this year’s first expeditions turned around. Reports indicate that jet stream winds blew all the dangerous snow away, leaving a safe passage for the teams that summitted.

Purja is a 35-year-old Nepalese mountaineer attempting to climb all 14 peaks over 8000 meters in just seven months. His next goal is to climb Broad Peak. Ballinger is an American climber and expedition leader known for his lightning ascents of 8000-meter peaks. Both have already summitted Everest this season. 

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.
