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Access The Backcountry: Is Cross-Country Snowboarding The Answer?

Yesterday we stirred the pot about when we let Cory Smith explain why or why not his MTN Approach ski system was a better way for snowboarders to access the backcountry than splitboards. The post generated a heated debate, with advocates on both sides of the debate weighing in with long, thoughtful comments and first-hand experience, or simply with unintelligible internet commenting rage. 

But what if neither splitboarding, nor MTN Approach, is the answer? What if cross-country snowboarding is the next-generation means of traveling through the backcountry and accessing the world's highest peaks? Here Joel & Tate, the world's most dedicated Nordic snowboarders, explain the qi of this "outsider sport of an outsider sport." As Joel says it best, "We're rockin' a triple entendre here, ya know?"

Ahahaha! This is hilarious.

Looks like it was filmed entirely on the Sol-Bright trail.

The post generated a heated debate, with advocates on both sides of the debate weighing in with long, thoughtful comments. Pest Control

About The Author

stash member Ryan Dunfee

Former Managing Editor at Teton Gravity Research, current Senior Contributor, current professional hippy at the Sierra Club, and avid weekend recreationalist.