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The Send Stops for No One: SKIBIKE

You might surprised to learn that skibiking is a thing at all. You might be even more surprised to learn that skibikes have been around since the mid 1800’s as a means of practical winter transportation in the Alps, as evidenced by oil paintings from the era. Yet somehow despite it's long and decorated history, skibiking never made it big. A true shame, really. But that all might change soon. Apparently the sport has been steadily gaining popularity in Europe for some years now and it’s beginning to catch on in America as well. Jake Lawlor seems to have caught the bug. Watch as he shows off his skills in Brighton, Utah. We gotta admit, it looks pretty damn fun to rip through glades and pop off cliffs. He wants his two dollars!

Related: Watch Kai Ski Jackson Hole’s Gnarliest Terrain

Check out these other skibikers doing their thing below. 

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