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Classic Ski Resort Turned Motocross Haven

It comes as no surprise that pro-motocross athletes Cody Webb and Taylor Robert know a thing or two about motorcycles. Turns out they also know their way around Tahoe. 

Webb and Robert took to the grassy hills and rocky Sierra features for an epic shred-sesh, proving that once the snow melts away, there's still plenty of fun to be had at Donner Ski Ranch.

What makes motocross so intense is that these athletes don't really have the safe-bail option that skiers, snowboarders and mountain bikers can rely on. If they do fall, it's pretty much guaranteed to be a gnarly one. Webb and Robert, on the other hand, make it look all too easy. 

About The Author

stash member Julie Kukral

Freelance writer & creative marketer making her way West.