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​VIDEO: TGR Grom Wyatt Gentry’s 2021 Season Edit

Grow up in the Tetons and you’re probably going to get real good at skiing real fast. That’s definitely the case with TGR Optics Grom Squad member Wyatt Gentry. Opening day at JHMR is just around the corner, and Wyatt just dropped his season edit from last winter featuring some fat lines both in and out of bounds at Jackson Hole and Targhee. With a runner-up edit from the 2020 TGR Grom Comp, and now this, we’re stoked to see what’s in store for the young ripper this winter!

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.


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