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Video: Desperate Summer Skier

I was desperate. But it was a turn.

I've joined a group of avid skiers who wish to ski all the time. Well, at least every month. I've probably missed a few over the years, even if I have done a lot of summer skiing. But I won't miss any further ones! It is July 31, and time to find a turn, somewhere, anywhere!

Anyway, back to my skiing. This is a pile of snow outside the ice skating hall in Kauniainen. What a temptation, despite the forbidden-this-or-that signs. Obviously, I was unable to resist... and I really LOVED those turns. Or turn. One at a time for each run :-)

This article has also been published at Blogspot. See more Planetskier stories from TGR, Blogspot, and Photos, videos, and text (c) 2020 by Jari Arkko. All rights reserved.

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