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The Hard Drop of an Urban Skier

Jackson, Wyo. (Nov 10, 2015) A new feature-length documentary directed by Clayton Vila and produced by Teton Gravity Research (TGR), "For Lack of Better", provides insight into the underbelly of a little-known sect of modern-day athleticism, known as street skiing. Outlining the immense commitments and challenges endured for each minute of footage, "For Lack of Better" shows what it takes to make it as an urban street skier.

This gritty film stars only three skiers, Clayton Vila, Cam Riley and Sean Jordan. The viewer is quickly engulfed into this rich story and a telling tale of how they developed as a close-knit ensemble of both friends and colleagues. Working together as a streamlined production crew, they capture footage while bearing sleepless nights, subzero temps and an unfathomably-high injury rate. Adding to the documentary, most the footage was captured in New England, as this has been the athletes' stomping ground since they began their unconventional pursuits. For Lack of Better, having been called "painfully honest", is being released in-full today on iTunes.

"For Lack of Better" shares blood, sweat and tears, painting Vila, Riley and Jordan in a light as athletes, artists and creative visionaries. Their dedication is apparent and, as such, the movie was honored last September at the 2015 International Freeskiing Film Festival with the award for best story-telling. Paired with an original score and captured with face-melting cinematography, "For lack of Better", is a release TGR is thrilled to share with the World. "The opportunity to work with Clayton on a project like this has been an invaluable experience to partner in developing a film that describes a realm of skiing with such clarity and passion," says TGR co-founder Todd Jones. "It truly is one of the best documentaries I've witnessed.

About Teton Gravity Research
Since 1996, TGR has worked with the top athletes in their respective disciplines to capture, celebrate, and bring to life the passion and enthusiasm associated with action sports. Known for its media and lifestyle products, TGR has significant production experience on all seven continents, including commercial work, branded entertainment, original television programming, and 39 award-winning feature films. TGR is a proud member of 1% For The Planet, BICEP, Surfrider Foundation, and Protect Our Winters. For more information on TGR, visit

About For Lack of Better
While skis are made for mountains, some only find them useful in cities. These "street skiers" dedicate their lives to traveling from city to city pushing the limits of what is possible on skis in urban environments. Jumping off four story buildings, flying into 50 foot high dams, flipping over staircases; these are some of the most daring athletes in the world. It seems like all fun and games, but horrific injuries, law bending behavior, and their "at all costs" mentality shows that, to them, this is much more. Filmmaker Clayton Vila takes you behind the scenes into a winter with these unique professional skiers. For more information, visit

Media Contact
Eric Henderson
Backbone Media
(970) 963 4873 ext.152

About The Author

stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.
