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VT Company Releases “Feel the Bern” Themed Ski

Bernie's hair and glasses grace the topsheet. Renoun Skis photo. 

Vermont based company Renoun Skis has released one custom pair of Bernie Sander skis, celebrating the presidential candidate from the same state. The "Feel the Bern" themed planks will be given to one lucky Bernie fan through a sweepstakes on their website. If you are not familiar with Renoun, they have been recognized by both ISPO and the New York Times for skis that adapt to changing snow conditions via a material injected into the core of the ski. 

On their website Renoun stated, "Needless to say, when it came time to decide whether or not to make a ski about a fellow Vermonter, we didn't blink. This is the only non-production ski we’ve ever made. We considered making a Trump ski as well, but frankly couldn’t get his hair to look right. Maybe Rubio’s’ would be easier."

No doubt to capture the intricate subtly that is Donald Trump's hair and transfer those details to a ski top sheet is a task that could take months to accomplish. Although there will not be a Trump 16 ski, we do appreciate his promise to "make freeskiing great again" or something along those lines. 

Do you feel the bern? Renoun photo. 

Does this mean that Bernie will add a "skis for all" as part of his campaign platform? Probably not, but this is a policy that we could all get behind at TGR. So if you are the individual who is lucky enough to win this pair, mount them with tele-bindings and drop a knee through the tight hardwood glades of Bernie's home state. 

About The Author

stash member Jonathan Desabris

Digital Content Producer at TGR. Jackson Hole transplant from the Green Mountain State. Contrary to popular belief I have never lived in New Jersey.
