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A List of the Greatest Action Sport Movies of All Time

We’re approaching the holiday season and in honor of the long lazy days that lay ahead, we’re putting together a list of all the best action-sport related movies that have ever graced the silver screen. That’s right, Hollywood baby. This will not only give you an excuse to duck out early from that dreadfully exciting game of Scrabble, it will also stoke you out for ski season, which if it hasn't hit you already, is right around the corner (please be true). So buckle up, or unbuckle, depending on how much turkey you ate, and sit back and watch some classics.

1: Out Cold:

A personal favorite, a cult classic, and without a doubt one of the most critically acclaimed movies of all time. Out Cold is a cinematic masterpiece with a rockstar cast that includes Zach Galifianakis in one of his first on stage appearances. A must watch for all fans of high brow entertainment. 

2: Johnny Tsunami:

Is Johnny Tsunami the greatest movie of all time is a question we get a lot here at TGR. It’s adorable that so many people think we’re in a position to put to rest this fiery age-old debate, but really people, who are we to answer that question? Don’t you put that evil on us Ricky Bobby! Of course the tale of a surfer kid moving to the mountains of Vermont resonates with us. Who can forget the classic showdown between the Skies and the Urchins, and Johnny’s heartwarming quest to learn how to snowboard.

It’s no doubt up there with the classics like The Graduate and The Godfather Pt. 2, but you’ll just have to make that decision for yourself.

3. Motocrossed: 

Someone asked me the other day, “What’s better, Motocrossed or Casablanca?” I nearly spat out my coffee. What kind of a cinematic oaf could possibly group those two movies into the same category? I mean, one is probably the most famous and best directed Hollywood movie of all time, and the other is… Casablanca? Some people man. Of course the story of a girl posing as her twin brother to kick ass in a motocross race trumps Casablanca—plus even Travis Pastrana makes an appearance.

4. Aspen Extreme: 

You know how every once in a while you’ll come across a movie that changes the way you think? Late at night you’ll find yourself lying in bed questioning morality and the human psyche? Well Aspen Extreme is one of those movies. It’s not for the faint of heart, oh no no no, but if you’re looking to really dive headfirst into the world of extreme skiing then this is a must watch film.

5. The Game of GNAR: 

One of my greatest regrets in life is that I’ve only seen the The Game of Gnar eight times. I need to be reminded of my favorite rules of the game: pole whacking, skiing naked, and calling my mom in the middle of a gnarly line. Cheers McConkey.

I keep telling myself that I’m going to find the time to watch it again, but then something will come up, like Vertical Limit, which I’m about to get to.

6. Vertical Limit: 

With the most riveting opening scene of all time (this is not open to discussion, if you’re looking for a debate go to Reddit), Vertical Limit is one of those films that you just can’t fathom why it didn't garner more press. Criminally underrated, this is Quentin Tarantino’s favorite movie.

7. Blue Crush: 

When people ask me, “if you had to watch one movie, and one movie only for the rest of your life, what would it be?” I usually look at them and scoff. Because it’s one of those absurd hypothetical questions that just really can’t be answered if you consider yourself a true student of cinema like I do. Straight faced, I answer “Blue Crush.” Why you ask? Why not, I answer, it’s the single greatest portrayal of what it meant to be a female surfer in Hawaii during 2002.

8. Point Break:

God this movie is so good. Keanu Reaves as Johnny Utah? Are you kidding me? I dare you to come up with a more iconic duo. What’s that I hear in the back? Leo as Jordan Belfort!? Oh give me a break. Point Break has everything that’s sick in life in it. It has surfing, it has helicopters, it has bank robbing, it has babes and it has Keanu. What more do you need? Oh and just to be crystal clear, we’re talking about the 1991 version, not that silly attempt at a remake.

9. Ski Patrol: 

Should there have been a Ski Patrol 2 is a question we hear a lot in the industry. Too much in fact. Should you repaint the Mona Lisa? I mean come on people, I feel like I’m dealing with cinematic simpletons sometimes. Ski Patrol is the type of film that, when it comes on, you put down everything and watch it. It’s just that good.

10. Hot Dog: 

Without Hot Dog there would be no Citizen Kane, there would be no Pulp Fiction or Apocalypse Now. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope? Think again. It’s Hot Dog who you have to thank for all those classics. In my opinion, (and Hitchcock felt the same way), there is no movie that has carried a greater influence than Hot Dog.

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tags: movies

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