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Marijuana THC Discovered In Colorado Town Water Supply

Hugo has seen better days. Wikimedia photo. Sam Morse photoshop. 

HUGO, Colo. — In the past couple years, many rural Colorado citizens have been struggling to acclimate to the new reality of recreational cannabis. But a few small towns have fought back and legislated local laws that still prohibit the drug.

However on Thursday, one such town, Hugo, Colo., possibly fell victim to a completely unwanted rocky mountain high. According to the Associated Press, law enforcement in the small East Colorado town has instructed local residents to not drink their tap water after well samples found trace amounts of THC, the psychoactive chemical compound in marijuana.

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Signs of tampering at one of the town’s wells was reported by Hugo officials, but human involvement and intentional contamination were still unconfirmed as of press time.

The contamination was originally found by an employee drug testing firm based in the area. Conducting a routine test of Hugo’s tap water, the firm was alarmed to find test results come back positive for tetra-hydra-cannabinol, the active ingredient in your grandma’s stinkiest crop.

Department of Public Health and Environment spokesman Mark Salley sought to ease public concern over the contamination, reinforcing that consuming the tainted water would be extremely unlikely to cause detrimental health effects.

However, the whole idea of THC tainting Hugo’s water seemed to be up in smoke when Denver-based drug testing expert Peter Perrone told The Denver Post that THC isn’t even water soluble, casting doubt as to whether such contamination is even realistically possible.

About The Author

stash member Sam Morse

TGR Editor-at-Large. author of The Ski Town Fairytale and creative behind The Bumion. Lover of steep-and-deep lines, long trails—and hot springs waiting in the distance.

Pretty sure THC is only fat soluble.

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