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Man Walks 14,000 Miles From Argentina to Alaska

"A little perspective," writes Harrison in a Facebook post, the platform where he documented the entirety of his journey North.

Holly “Cargo” Harrison is proof that determination will take you far – literally. The 58-year-old man just finished a 14,181-mile trek from Ushuaia, Argentina to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. The journey took him only 530 days. And despite having encountered countless harsh climates, suffered a heart attack, and fought off a grizzly bear, the man still made it in an incredibly fast time.

He even walked the last 1,000 miles of his journey on crutches. Check out what he devised in order to keep walking with a torn tendon:

Cargo found a way to keep going continuously throughout his journey. And it’s impressive to say the least. For well over a year, the former Army Ranger walked about 27 miles a day. And now that it’s over? “My body is going to be so relieved and so happy to be done,” he tells Today, “but every other part of me, you know, is going to be a little bit sad.”

About The Author

stash member Kirsten Forrester

Digital Content Coordinator for Teton Gravity Research.
