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Video: The Man Who Saved Mick Fanning

Mick Fanning is a household name, but few have likely heard of his best friend Barney Miller, who's been a pivotal support for the world champion surfer. Growing up, Miller aspired to be a professional surfer, and was well on his way until a horrific car accident. At the age of 20, Miller was left a quadriplegic and unsure if he’d ever ride a wave again. 

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But an unforeseen encounter with Fanning ten years later changed everything. The two hit it off immediately. When Fanning learned about Miller’s goals to not just surf but also walk again he lent him a hand. The piece from 60 Minutes Australia is a look at Miller’s inspirational story, and how he’s even helped Fanning in ways he could have never imagined. You might want to keep a few tissues nearby when watching—it’ll tug on your heartstrings. 

About The Author

stash member Katie Lozancich

TGR Staff Writer and photographer. Fond of bikes, pow, and dogs. Originally from Northern CA, home for me has ranged from the PNW to a teepee in Grand Teton National Park.