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Kai Lenny Draws Inspiration From Travis Rice

Located on the North Shore of Maui, the massive surf break nicknamed “Jaws” had its opening day of the season on Tuesday. Jaws can provide some of the largest waves in the world and while most didn’t even attempt to surf, Maui native Kai Lenny, was one that decided to get towed into the giant swell.

Lenny pushes the boundaries of surfing, bringing maneuvers that are usually reserved for small waves to these giant walls of water. His inspiration is a person well known in the winter sports world. Kai told Surfline during an interview that his goal was to "ride a wave like I’m Travis Rice snowboarding down a mountain.”  

Some could argue the two athletes bring more progression to their trade than anyone else. After watching this video you’ll see why. 

About The Author

stash member Luke Hayes