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Could Drone Lifeguards Decrease Drownings?

Drones are all the rage right now and are fully making their way into everyday life. With Amazon testing a drone delivery system in the United States and DJI, the world leader in drones releasing a new affordable consumer model, it won't be long before these buzzing machines fill the skies. 

Now RTS, a drone company out of the U.K., is developing one of the most useful systems I have seen. They have built a lifeguard drone that uses cameras, lights, thermal visual technology to locate victims, and are equipped with floatation devices, which they drop on drowning swimmers. Currently it takes an experienced lifeguard about 90 seconds to perform a rescue, the drone is able to achieve the same feat in 20. So next time you get caught in a rip it won't be Hasselhoff coming to save you.

About The Author

stash member Jonathan Desabris

Digital Content Producer at TGR. Jackson Hole transplant from the Green Mountain State. Contrary to popular belief I have never lived in New Jersey.