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And This is Why You Don’t Sleep with a Knife

Pro riders may pass hundreds of hours waiting for the ideal weather in which to film their exploits. These hours can serve as a catalyst for pranks—and sometimes shit just goes a little further than expected. Such was the case when Jeremy Jones and members of the TGR production crew traveled to Svalbard to film for Further. During this trip, Dan Gibeau, a rookie member of the production crew, became the victim of a practical joke. Once Gibeau’s colleagues put their prank into motion, their acting and antics proved far more believable than they had imagined. Consequently, the outcome of their prank managed to surprise not only Gibeau, but also themselves.

this video never gets old!

Glad he didn’t sleep with a pistol.

About The Author

stash member Julie McCloskey

Big fan of trail running, road tripping, and peanut butter. In my free time I enjoy applying for reality television shows, doing puzzles, and eating more peanut butter.