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Split Life: The Full Movie

Split Life Films features only human-powered snowboarding, and the many humorous obstacles that go along with it. 

You'll see many awe-inspiring, waist-deep powder turns and long, blissful descents in exotic places in Split Life's first full movie. You'll also see honest nuggets of semi-awkward to completely inconvenient ordeals everyone overcomes in an adventurous day of splitboarding: water-soaked boots, skis lost during river crossings, exhausting set-up turns, puzzling navigations through boney lines, and backwards skinning contests (okay, maybe not that one). 

Backcountry snowboarding is not always as graceful as many media houses portray it to be. Part of what's really cool about this film, and Split Life in general, is how it unabashedly embraces the ridiculousness of splitboarding.

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About The Author

stash member MacKenzie Ryan