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Local Take Over A Closed Stevens Pass

Apologies to the crew that built the Meatgrinder, the massive step-up you're about to watch them hit, because no photo we could find really does this jump justice. The in-run is long and beautiful, and the take-off is perfect. Well played. 

After Stevens Pass closed this year, a crew of local pros hiked up to Barrier Bowl. The goal was to explore the mountain without lift access, and find cool places to build features. The lightbulb went off to build this step-up gap to a catwalk landing. 

RELATED: What Living in RVs on Stevens Pass Brings You

Per most days in the Pacific Northwest, they needed to wait for an appropriate weather window to build and then hit this monster. But what you're going to see was well worth the wait. 

Awesome! Never rode Stevens after the lifts have closed. Well done!

About The Author

stash member MacKenzie Ryan