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McNutt Ticks Off The Iconic Cadillac Wall

Looking back at a mountain face and seeing your tracks in a precarious place is always a goal for big mountain skiers, and Nick McNutt did just that last March on a strike mission with Tom Ritsch and Alex “Army” Armstrong in Blue River British Columbia with Mike Wiegele Heli-Skiing.

The trio was taken into a zone called Cadillac, and as McNutt said "the trip was pretty much foot on the gas straight out the gate." Lookers left of the main drainage offered some shorter pitches where the crew was able to get a feel for the snow and build confidence for some "warmup runs." Between confidence in the snow stability and the crew's riding McNutt felt it was time to tackle the meat of the zone, a line he called the Cadillac Wall. With Nick's signature smooth and fluid style he was able to ski right off the top of Cadillac Peak down this "really cool, spiny face, that’s a little complicated,” as McNutt described it in his own words. 

These are the types of lines that you need all the stars to align to tick off, and then only get one shot at. McNutt handled the line with style and ease and was pretty stoked to look back and see his tracks down the daunting face. 

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stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.