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Pro MTBer Rides $179 WalMart Huffy Down Double-Black

Phil Kmetz was inspired by other WalMart bike experiments so decided to test one out for himself.  He settled on the Huffy Carnage, a dual-suspension 27.5 mid-fat bike. According to Kmetz the bike looked the part of downhill worthy, but only a ride could reveal if it was really ready for the trail. 

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The video itself is half terrifying, half amusing. Things quickly go south, with the fork providing little support and the brakes failing. On a jump the stem breaks as well. To his credit Kmetz holds his composure, making it safely down the trail. Even after this carnage (no pun intended) he has a hard time hating on this bike, for the price what can he really expect? 

About The Author

stash member Jonathan Desabris

Digital Content Producer at TGR. Jackson Hole transplant from the Green Mountain State. Contrary to popular belief I have never lived in New Jersey.