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Matt McDuff Suffers 13 Fractures On the “Loop of Doom”

Holy f&#king shit...

That is all I can think during this entire video, from the build of this forty-foot structure, to the inevitable crash that left Matt McDuff with ten fractures in his right wrist and three in his right ankle. The story goes that after Ontario native McDuff mastered the twenty-foot loop, he realized that he could attempt something much more dramatic. 

RELATED: Back on the Bike After A Broken Back 

So he went to work for a month building this massive structure in theGarden Route Trail Park in South Africa. It included a forty-foot loop and an even larger run in ramp. 

Even after his crash and rehab, the massive "loop of doom" remains in South Africa, waiting to be conquered. MacDuff told The Rise,"If someone would offer me a platform where I believe that I could succeed, I’m not gonna lie man... 100% I’m gonna try it again, because I know it's possible. 

About The Author

stash member Jonathan Desabris

Digital Content Producer at TGR. Jackson Hole transplant from the Green Mountain State. Contrary to popular belief I have never lived in New Jersey.