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World Champion Skim Boarder Gets Pulled by Horse

Five years ago, filmmaker Devin Graham saw a photo on social media of a guy being pulled behind a horse, and he was never really able to let the idea go.

So he got together some drones, a few horse wranglers, and world champion skim boarder Austin Keen, and filmed this epic video.

"I feel pretty awesome riding behind three cowgirls trottin' through the water," Keen says in  this behind the scenes video.

Keen is one of the few people that can catch a wake on one boat, then cruise over and hijack another wake from a different boat (see the trick in above video).

I can’t believe what I see. Horses on the water hahaha!

About The Author

stash member Leslie Hittmeier

Leslie is a freelance writer and photographer. Storytelling is her focus and she spends her time following badass skiers and climbers around in their natural habitats. As an obsessed skier and climber herself, she plays and trains in the Tetons.