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Start Your Weekend with This Stunning Moto Edit

Beautiful, Poetic, and meditative—that's the essence of Dylan Wineland’s short film, Immunity.

The former racer and now cinematographer, Wineland has long felt the motocross industry was missing the bigger picture. Finding that the prevailing narrative is often limited to entertainment—as seen in big hits or half-naked Monster girls—he sought to create something that mirrored his love for the sport.

Drawing on his background within action sports media—and with immense help from friends at WZRD Media and Sheet Studios—he traveled down to Caineville, Utah to pursue his passion project.

For him, the term “I do what I love in order to escape”, has never quite made sense. It’s actually the opposite, he argues. When doing something you really love—you’re completely present.

This introspective state is a narrative explored through the interactions between rider Aaron McClintock and the landscape. McClintock finds healing as he rides through his expansive surroundings. We caught up with Wineland to learn a little more about the short film.

Composition was one of his biggest priorities while filming, with the hope that each frame could stand alone for itself. Dylan Wineland photo.

What inspirations did you draw from for this short film?

DW: The movie Life Cycles has always been a huge inspiration for me. When you pause that movie—any frame that’s on the screen can stand alone as a photograph. They really took a lot of time focusing on the composition in each shot. I really wanted to emulate something similar, so with Immunity, my hope is each frame could really speak for itself.

Aaron McClintock’s roost captivates as Wineland capitalizes on that alluring desert light. Connor Barnes photo.

Why did you pick Utah for the main location?

DW: Actually none of us had been down to Caineville before, but it was appealing because we had hundreds and hundreds of acres to explore. Caineville—also called “swing arm city”—is just immense and full of these incredible features. Which really bring about a great contrast, especially when shot at golden hour. I figured it would be an appealing place to shoot visually.

Purely serendipitous, photographer Alex Strohl happened to fly by in his helicopter as Wineland and his crew was filming. Alex Strohl photo.

Anything interesting about the process of producing the piece?

DW: It was crazy, we were setting up a shot of Aaron hitting this wall ride and we noticed this helicopter flying above us. First, we thought it was search and rescue or something, but it kept getting closer and closer. Within in a matter of minutes, the helicopter was right above us, and the pilot signaled to us to go. So Aaron took off and I noticed that the pilot was also shooting when Aaron was riding, and then he flew away. It remained this great mystery. Then a week ago I was tagged in a photo on Instagram, and I realized that it was us. I think it captures the whole adventure.

About The Author

stash member Katie Lozancich

TGR Staff Writer and photographer. Fond of bikes, pow, and dogs. Originally from Northern CA, home for me has ranged from the PNW to a teepee in Grand Teton National Park.