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Caving in Nauvo

Nauvo is a large island in the archipelago south of Turku, Finland. Varberget is a set of small caves on a cliff ridge that rises on the island.

Janne and I took a day to drive to Nauvo, ride the ferries with our car, and hike to the ridge. We found a small cliff that was cut by horizontal and vertical cracks. There were at least four major areas of cracks. A horizontal crack system was running through a long distance through the ridge, though unfortunately disappearing here and there, so you the caves are really separate small ones rather than one large cave.

But Varberget is a nice hiking destination, the caves are easily explored by anyone, as long as you have clothes that you are willing to crawl in a bit. At the top of the ridge there is an observation tower.

The coordinates for the biggest two caves are N 60.134818 E 21.785965 and N 60.135049 E 21.784852.

Photos and videos (c) 2016 by Jari Arkko and Janne Arkko. This blog is also available on the  Blogspot website. Tama blogi loytyy myos suomeksi Relaasta.

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