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At 52, Eddie the Eagle Sets Toboggan Jumping World Record

At the ripe age of 52, and 28 years after defying expectations as Great Britain's sole Olympic ski jumper (and shortly after his Hugh Jackman-filled biopic hit theaters), Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards is back setting records, this time by hucking a toboggan over 10 meters to set the world record for the longest send on the world's most revered kind of sled.

ALSO IN WEIRD: Real or fake? Snowboarder chased by bear

A custom-built park jump in Austria was the setting for the world record jump, which Edwards sent without a helmet. Of course, The Eagle's been defying people's advice for decades, and sure isn't going to give that up in his 50's.

Think this guy bet him.;

About The Author

stash member Ryan Dunfee

Former Managing Editor at Teton Gravity Research, current Senior Contributor, current professional hippy at the Sierra Club, and avid weekend recreationalist.