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Stab Magazine S.U.R.F. Rematch

After much squabble over who should have won the first S.U.R.F. competition, Vinnie, Soli, Ozzie and Krooky are back and ready to take on another S.U.R.F. challenge. This time around these Byron Bay surfers are tasked with shaping a board by hand, painting it by hand and surfing it… by feet. None of the surfers have any real experience shaping so this should be a fun one. The rules of the game are as follows: each surfer is given six hours to shape a board out of a 6’4, mid rocker blank, they each can call on an expert shaper to help them along the process, but the shaper is not allowed to touch the board. Once the boards are finished, they will paddle out for three different surfs to see who can ride their own boards and on one of the other surfer’s boards the best. Given the “experimental” board designs and the slightly cruddy conditions, these guys were ripping! Last time the surfers voted amongst themselves to determine the winner of the competitions. This time Stab threw the town a party and let the people decide the winner. Who will take home all the glory (and the $10,000) this time? Check out the most recent S.U.R.F. comp to find out!

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