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Snowboarder Sven Thorgren Lands the First Triple Chuck Flip on a Hip

For many of us, quarantine life revolved around not much more than hanging out on the couch inside, but for a lucky few athletes living in Sweden, it was a chance to try new things on uncrowded slopes. Sven Thorgren, Swedish slopestyle machine and six-time X Games Medalist, decided it was time to try a new trick – a Triple Chuck Flip off a massive hip at Riksgransen.

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WTF exactly is a Chuck flip, you may ask? Well we did some exhaustive research and here’s what the internet had to say: “The Michalchuk is a pipe trick invented by Michael Michalchuk in the late 1990s and has emerged as his most lasting legacy in modern snowboarding. It's a wildcat-style back flip off the heelside wall of a half-pipe or quarter-pipe.” In other words, it’s a variation of a triple backflip, and Thorgren sends one to the moon.

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.