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Dudes Undergo Struggle Fest When They Paddle Into a Strainer

Editor's Note: Strong language.

"We don't advise you to do this yourself in hindsight. There was no point editing and we thought the raw footage would tell the story. We did a recon of the whole run and portaged when necessary but things still happen," Dave Dubblestein wrote on his Youtube page along with this video titled "Urban Kayaking Gone Wrong". 

From the looks of it, these guys pushed off in an urban area (???) and were swept into a strainer. Struggle ensues.  

About The Author

stash member Leslie Hittmeier

Leslie is a freelance writer and photographer. Storytelling is her focus and she spends her time following badass skiers and climbers around in their natural habitats. As an obsessed skier and climber herself, she plays and trains in the Tetons.