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Clif Bar Celebrates Female Athletes with Wrapper Redesign

Be sure to say hello to Megan Rapinoe, Ashima Shiraishi, Venus Williams, Lakey Peterson, Katerina Nash, and Jordyn Barratt the next time you’re at the grocery store. These iconic athletes will be gracing Clif Bar’s most popular flavors in a new limited edition run of packaging. It’s the first package redesign put out by the company in 25 years, and their hope is to inspire consumers with the achievements of these trailblazers.

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For soccer star Megan Rapinoe Clif Bar's new look is humbling. “To see myself on a CLIF BAR is amazing. It would have meant so much to me as a kid to see a woman being celebrated for living her truth and chasing her dream,” explained the two-time World Cup champion in a press release from the company. For a company that’s supported women since its inception, the new design isn't all that surprising. They’ve been walking the talk with policies like supportive parental leave policy, subsidized onsite daycare, and a $31,250 pay bump to 20 players on the women’s soccer team in hopes of closing the gender pay gap. Really, the new packaging is like icing on the cupcake.

But if we could offer one suggestion to Clif Bar—how about Casey Brown and Elena Hight for the next redesign? 

About The Author

stash member Katie Lozancich

TGR Staff Writer and photographer. Fond of bikes, pow, and dogs. Originally from Northern CA, home for me has ranged from the PNW to a teepee in Grand Teton National Park.
