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  1. #1
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    Nov 2007

    RIP Paul Sherwen

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    RIP Paul Sherwen

    Sad day for folks who came into cycling with him as part of the voice of the TdF

    Was he ill?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Colorado Front Range
    That's a loss to the cycling community.
    Galibier Design
    crafting technology in service of music

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Bottom feeding

    RIP Paul Sherwen

    Well maybe I'm the faggot America
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Walpole NH
    Paul Sherwen - RIP
    huge loss,,,,listening won't be the same. will be sure to dance on the pedals for him today.


    Already have this one going, look first.
    crab in my shoe mouth

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by buttahflake View Post
    look first.
    I looked, didn't see it on page 1. News of Paul's death put me in a spot of bother

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Just awful. Such a huge benefit to so many. He made anything he did instantly enjoyable.

    There was this Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin is wishing that he could have a soundtrack play along while he lived his life. I've thought about how awesome it would be to have Phil and Paul announcing your life as you lived it. Would make it epic.

    I'd watch checkers if Phil and Paul were announcing. Happily.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Looking down

  9. #9
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    Spot of bother indeed.

    Love the call when Mayo’s bars got hooked by a spectator on a climb dumping him into Dopestrong:

    He almost lost his manhood!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Where everything's a dollar
    RIP...Even for the hard core fan, cycling on TV can be a bit boring. He always made it interesting even if it was just telling us about the history behind a castle the race just went by.

    TDF won't be the same.
    The Sheriff is near!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    50 miles E of Paradise
    Sad - seemed fit and active with a lot of years left in him.

    This will be a tough situation for NBC. Besides great announcing and insights, Sherwen has increasingly kept Liggett on track during the broadcasts. No idea who they will get to fill the gap.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by TBS View Post
    Sad - seemed fit and active with a lot of years left in him.

    This will be a tough situation for NBC. Besides great announcing and insights, Sherwen has increasingly kept Liggett on track during the broadcasts. No idea who they will get to fill the gap.
    Seems like they were grooming Roll.
    Well maybe I'm the faggot America
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    be here now
    Anyone but Roll. Anyone.

    RIP Mr. Sherwen. You were the real deal.
    Let me lock in the system at Warp 2
    Push it on into systematic overdrive
    You know what to do

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Woke up today realizing this is true. I cracked utterly and on the rivet!

    Jens Voigt would be the obvious replacement but for that accent. I enjoy Jens' commentary WHEN I can understand what he's saying.

    RIP Paul

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    under the hogback shadow
    Tragic. July will never be the same.
    How did Phil out live Paul?
    I wonder if Phil is going to hang up the headset.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elkhound Odin View Post
    Tragic. July will never be the same.
    How did Phil out live Paul?
    I wonder if Phil is going to hang up the headset.
    This does screw up the natural order of things, right.? There were plenty of times Mrs. Plug and I would notice how Phil would repeat a familiar phrase:
    “He’s like a big Diesel engine...”
    And then Paul would correct him politely, or just move on with the play-by-play. I always figured the afternoon replay, (with the different announcers), was the interview process for the inevitable passing of the torch.
    Well, it’ll be interesting, but it won’t be the same, and I’m sad.
    Well maybe I'm the faggot America
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

  17. #17
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    Looking down
    Quote Originally Posted by plugboots View Post
    Seems like they were grooming Roll.
    Yeah, Roll and Liggett did the Vuelta this year, seemed to get along. May be Bob's next gig.

  18. #18
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    Looking down
    Quote Originally Posted by Garth Bimble View Post
    RIP...Even for the hard core fan, cycling on TV can be a bit boring. He always made it interesting even if it was just telling us about the history behind a castle the race just went by.

    TDF won't be the same.

    One of the reasons I watched was for the scenery and his descriptions of sites as they blew by. I hope they keep that up.

  19. #19
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    Oct 2006
    I'd like to see them give Jens Voight or Christian Vande Velde a try with a preference for Voight. Not sure I could tolerate that much Bobke. I think Sherwen's repalcement will be someone already on the broadcast team. RIP Paul Sherwen.

  20. #20
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    Jens. Anyone but Bobke.
    Galibier Design
    crafting technology in service of music

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    You people and your pathetic celebrity idol worship. Every day for years and years Paul Sherwin looked right into the camera looked you right in the eyes and lied to you.
    He knowingly and willfully lied to you and you ate it right up.
    Oh but he’s on TV I like him. Fucking pathetic.
    The real sad part is not that they sold you a lie, it’s that you so happily bought it.

    For you slow people: They were doped to the gills and Phil and Paul knew it and they lied and lied.

    This has nothing to do with Paul Sherwin it is about our society and the weak people who populate it.

    Keep idolizing the people on the tv.

    I enjoyed watching and listening to his little tidbits, but am not particularly saddened by the passing of an obviously dishonest man.

    And fuck Jens too.

    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums

  22. #22
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    Dec 2010
    Lol like a bobble head announcer knows anything other than the event itself. In his position you report facts, not rumors or assumptions. The facts were not there, there were raids and investigations, but the whole sport (along with any other sport) was never going to admit what is really going on to keep their athletes in prime competitive shape. So yes he did what his bosses said. Don't speculate and keep the fans entertained. Smile and be happy you have a job that makes you famous mr magic voice.

    Makes you sick huh? Seems like status quo since entertainment was invented to me.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by simple View Post
    Lol like a bobble head announcer knows anything other than the event itself. In his position you report facts, not rumors or assumptions. The facts were not there, there were raids and investigations, but the whole sport (along with any other sport) was never going to admit what is really going on to keep their athletes in prime competitive shape. So yes he did what his bosses said. Don't speculate and keep the fans entertained. Smile and be happy you have a job that makes you famous mr magic voice.

    Makes you sick huh? Seems like status quo since entertainment was invented to me.
    Notwithstanding the point that an announcer's only job is to make the action on the TV exciting and informative, there's little doubt that the likes of Phil and Paul were/are aware of pervasive doping in cycling and soccer and long distance running and nordic skiing and tennis an duh.

    Also, Mayo didn't snag a musette. Lance did and took down Mayo as a result.

  24. #24
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    Nov 2007
    El K, maybe they knew or (IMO more likely) they engaged in voluntary ignorance and denial. So what? They are play-by-play artists, not the fucking DEA.

    Phil gave hints that he's looking to retire soon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Benny Profane View Post
    Yeah, Roll and Liggett did the Vuelta this year, seemed to get along.
    It went better than I had expected. I anticipated that Bobke would drive me nuts, but his commentary was pretty good, not the usual Bobke goofy shtick.

    BTW, very exciting Vuelta this year! IMO, 2018 was by far the most entertaining year for the Grand Tours in recent years: Froome's comeback in the Giro, GT's surprise win of the Tour and Simon Y winning a whacky back-and-forth Vuelta for the UK sweep.

  25. #25
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    It went better than I had expected. I anticipated that Bobke would drive me nuts, but his commentary was pretty good, not the usual Bobke goofy shtick.
    I was going to say something like this. He took on a different roll, (ha, just noticed this on re-reading), for this job, it seems, which was good. His Bobke persona is a thing, but he didn't use that, or do that for his announcing with Phil.

    And whatever, ElKan. I am sad that I will not get to hear his announcing any more. I liked it. Hardly hero worship.
    Well maybe I'm the faggot America
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

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