Hi, I have a 12.5 year male golden retriever. 4 weeks ago, he started discharging out of his right nostril. He had no loss of appetite or energy level. I took him to the vet, and they said it could be a foxtail or something in there that was aggravating the nose. They did not recommend anything.
After another few days, blood appeared in the discharge. I went back to the vet, and they did a CT scan. The radiology report is in the pictures below. There were two spots on the scan that were concerning. They prescribed some antibiotics and recommended a rhinoscope procedure. This was tough, as there are no vets in this area who do that procedure.
The bloody discharge had gotten worse and about halfway through the anti-biotic regimen (last Sunday) I woke up and it looked like some was murdered in my house. My dog had been sneezing and blood was everywhere. By day's end, the bloody discharge had gotten better, but it was still an issue. We found someone who could do the rhinoscopy on Tuesday.
They went in and did not find anything. The two spots that showed on the CT scan appeared to be gone. I was wondering if he sneezed them out. They took a culture of the tissue, and CSU has confirmed 90% that it is a fungus.
They flushed his nose really well, and the discharge had gotten better, but it has come back. It is mostly clear with some green in it and a little blood. The green and blood are not constantly present in the discharge. Additionally, my dog aged from the CT scan the rhinoscopy. He is unsteady and moves very slowly,while also peeing in the house.
I took him to CSU this morning, a 4 hour drive each way. The fungus is basically eating the bone matter in his head. There are two treatments:
1. Oral medication. This is very had on the dog with tough side effects and it does not work so well.
2. Surgery, where they drill a hole in his head and directly apply the medication. This will be very hard on a 12. 5 year old dog.
I have a follow-up appointment with internal medicine at CSU in three weeks.
I wanted to see if any of the vets have experience with either of these treatments and what their thoughts are. I am afraid that the fungus will start to get painful before my next appointment. Right now he is not bothered from the fungus. But the procedures really set him back .