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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    cottonwood heights

    Arthritis Treatments ?

    So, my co-worker's brother has what they think is Arthritis in his hands? His symptoms are : can't extend/ retract his fingers very well. They assume its from his job being a tinner for decades...using tin snips all day. Without seeing for myself, his hands sound like they are in that prototypical monster-claw position all the time and its effecting his ability to work.

    Figured I'd see what people have to say here, what has worked for them for these kinds of symptoms. If it even is Arthritis ? guessing, it sounds like it could be a combo w carpal tunnel...since its movement impaired and not just painful ?

    I want to suggest the basic cold/heat therapy ...but wanted to ask here if either or both of those could intensify his problem.

    Any meds help too? He takes anti-depressants, and I wanted to see if people had some ideas of non-drug therapies >like my suggestions or one of the many creams/ointments out there? But, of course anyone that has 1st hand experience w meds that work would be welcome info

    (lol, he does not use the internet, so we won't be able to get a 1st person response of his issues unfortunately+ he just put himself into rehab for alcohol; & clearly, these painful stiff hands of his are a contributing factor to that issue)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    here and there
    i hear Furious masturbation works.
    watch out for snakes

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    His joints are swollen and painful so by definition that's arthritis since "arthritis" literally means joint inflammation. "Arthritis" isn't diagnostic without a modifier before it, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.:

    He probably needs to see an occupational physical therapist who specializes in hand issues, and then actually do the PT prescribed. His alcoholism is almost certainly a major contributing factor. Cold/heat therapy can't hurt, but he needs to stop drinking, get some quality sleep, and clean up his diet since I assume he probably eats like shit too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    northern BC
    Quote Originally Posted by SB View Post
    i hear Furious masturbation works.
    yeah but it causes blindness so maybe quit while you only need glasses
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    cow hampshire
    I just spent a week skiing with two sports med docs and both said don't use Google. Use an actual doc. One symptom could be the result of X potential different injuries/issues and your internet treatment could make it worse or prolong the problem.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    cottonwood heights
    thx ya'll ..ill pass on the info-sounds like the PT is by far best idea for this dude.

    +was good info that diet and abuse will effect something like arthritis>I keep telling these pot bellied bastards they need to get in shape. But, like most americans they wanna take a pill for everything/lord forbid we actually exercise

    your body is your temple, it'll treat you like you treat it

    >furious masterbation works for everything!...should be sticky on top of the Gimp section maybe with a pic of Harry Palm from the ole cheech n chong skit

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Behind the Potato Curtain
    Voltaren NSAID gel is a goddsend on the hands. Costco has the best price on the big tubes. It's mostly metabolized via fat so it takes it much easier on your kidney's than oral NSAIDs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by snapt View Post
    Voltaren NSAID gel is a goddsend on the hands. Costco has the best price on the big tubes. It's mostly metabolized via fat so it takes it much easier on your kidney's than oral NSAIDs.
    I've been using the Costco Kirkland generic diclofenac gel (generic Voltaren, much cheaper) for elbow tendinitis. I started using the gel instead of just taking diclofenac pills for that reason - concern over longer term NSAID use.
    Quote Originally Posted by powder11 View Post
    if you have to resort to taking advice from the nitwits on this forum, then you're doomed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by SB View Post
    i hear Furious masturbation works.
    Quote Originally Posted by snapt View Post
    Voltaren NSAID gel is a goddsend on the hands. Costco has the best price on the big tubes. It's mostly metabolized via fat so it takes it much easier on your kidney's than oral NSAIDs.
    There's a connection there but I can't quite think what it is.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    sandy, sl,ut
    Quote Originally Posted by Dantheman View Post
    His joints are swollen and painful so by definition that's arthritis since "arthritis" literally means joint inflammation. "Arthritis" isn't diagnostic without a modifier before it, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.:

    He probably needs to see an occupational physical therapist who specializes in hand issues, and then actually do the PT prescribed. His alcoholism is almost certainly a major contributing factor. Cold/heat therapy can't hurt, but he needs to stop drinking, get some quality sleep, and clean up his diet since I assume he probably eats like shit too.
    Or, alternatively, its the alcohol, diet, and stress, as the primary causes, and the PT issues are secondary.

    Either way, its good advice, but just anecdotally, a few years ago, I thought I had Rheumatoid Arthritis. My life was high stress at the time, and my diet was not great. I got blood work done, which showed no markers for RA, but was told I most likely had another less severe, undiscovered autoimmune disorder for which we don't know the markers. That might be true, who knows, but really, cleaning up my diet, stress etc and I've been fine for a few years, despite my diet and stress both having multiple backslides.

    Now, I'm not even sure I have or had any sort of disorder at all. I don't have any studies, but I've heard anecdotally from a RA specialist, that almost every patient he sees first saw symptoms pop up during periods of high stress, tragic loss, and often the combination of the two. And those are patients who DO have the markers for RA. I gotta think I'm not the only one whos had RA like symptoms that just basically disappeared with better habits.
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________
    "We don't need predator control, we need whiner control. Anyone who complains that "the gummint oughta do sumpin" about the wolves and coyotes should be darted, caged, and released in a more suitable habitat for them, like the middle of Manhattan." - Spats

    "I'm constantly doing things I can't do. Thats how I get to do them." - Pablo Picasso

    Cisco and his wife are fragile idiots who breed morons.

  11. #11
    I've been living with arthritis for 3 years, the key is prevention.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    on the banks of Fish Creek

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