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Thread: 2024 Fish Pic Thread

  1. #651
    Rasputin's Avatar
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    I went out relatively late today, and though I intended to go fish the Braided Bend (my new name for the "new place"), I kept having visions in my mind of my old stomping grounds, which were so persistent that I went there instead. I'm glad I did, because I landed the most beautifully colored trout I've caught to date. The picture doesn't quite catch the quality of its coppery red/brown coloring. Sadly, he wasn't flawless in form, as there was some damage on the side of his jaw opposite where I hooked him. He took the flashback pheasant tail which caught a few of those that I landed yesterday.

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ID:	504679
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

  2. #652
    Rasputin's Avatar
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    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

  3. #653
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    ^^^^Amazing pics ! ^^^^^
    What if "Alternative" energy wasn't so alternative ?

  4. #654
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    Yesterday I went to "The Old Place". It was cold and gray for most of the time out, and I caught mostly whitefish, like this skinny 16"er.

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    At the end of the day I caught the only trout of the outing, which bit while I was singing " don't send me troutfish" to the tune of You Don't Send Me Flowers which had inexplicably emerged as an earworm, from the time of my youth when it was on AM radio many times a day.

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    Snowbowl got more snow, and though I don't ski anymore, it pleases me to see snow in them thar hills.

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ID:	504983
    Last edited by Rasputin; 11-16-2024 at 04:34 PM.
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

  5. #655
    Rasputin's Avatar
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    After a couple days off from fishing I was eager to get back at it, so I went back to where I've had my best results of late; it went well.

    Three decent trouts, one straight one, and two bent ones.

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    However the biggest fish of the day was this whitefish.

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    The weather ranged from wind and snow, to sunshine; the fish were biting and life is good.

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ID:	505209
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

  6. #656
    Rasputin's Avatar
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    I went out for a couple hours this afternoon, and hooked into a very big, heavy, fish after about ten minutes. However this lunker wouldn't let me move him toward me at all, and after holding it in place for a short bit, it threw it's head and snapped the 4x Maxima Ultragreen I was using for my trailer, #14 olive flashback nymph. I suppose I should have given out some line.

    Instead of tying on the same thing (I'm not sure why, I had more olives), I selected a #14 rainbow warrior, and caught two decent, but much smaller, fish shortly thereafter, but I've been groaning about the one I lost since then, I suppose that's what I'm doing now.

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ID:	505244
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

  7. #657
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    I have big feet. Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #658
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    Greater Drictor Wydaho
    Hotspotted by the troglodyte! Underoos favorite numbskull on my home turf. Why, why couldn't he have been there in early July? This clown would have fallen dick first on a rattlesnake in July. What a putz. Listen to him screaming about 15" fish I wouldn't remember an hour later.

    This guy is so clueless. Check out his reaction at 17:00 when he's burned 20 minutes climbing through brutal "zero out of 10" snags only to find my footprints on the other side! There's a trail, fool. More than one, in fact, maybe try looking in the part of the slope without the cliffs?

    Omfg, he's just so bad at this and he thinks he's so good. This must be his 5th or 6th teton video and it's his first time breaking 15". No shit. The dude usually spends half a video flailing around on a hillside and then the other half he maybe tortures a few dinks. Love the part where he opines on the "fish distribution." I'm like, hey dumbass, ya caught some fish in the parts I skipped as I cherry picked all the good stuff. Did ya maybe notice you didn't catch anything big in the good pools and you were scratching out some forgettable fish in those ass busting sections? Is that a carp rod? Duderz, I catch 20" toads in there on a 4wt noodle. You don't need a "girthier" rod to find the big fish. You need to learn how to mend line and get the fly down.

    Be sure and leave some comments. Locals rule, Azzwipe.
    Last edited by neckdeep; 11-24-2024 at 04:11 PM.

  9. #659
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    shadow of HS butte
    Quote Originally Posted by neckdeep View Post
    Hotspotted by the troglodyte! Underoos favorite numbskull on my home turf. Why, why couldn't he have been there in early July? This clown would have fallen dick first on a rattlesnake in July. What a putz. Listen to him screaming about 15" fish I wouldn't remember an hour later.

    This guy is so clueless. Check out his reaction at 17:00 when he's burned 20 minutes climbing through brutal "zero out of 10" snags only to find my footprints on the other side! There's a trail, fool. More than one, in fact, maybe try looking in the part of the slope without the cliffs?

    Omfg, he's just so bad at this and he thinks he's so good. This must be his 5th or 6th teton video and it's his first time breaking 15". No shit. The dude usually spends half a video flailing around on a hillside and then the other half he maybe tortures a few dinks. Love the part where he opines on the "fish distribution." I'm like, hey dumbass, ya caught some fish in the parts I skipped as I cherry picked all the good stuff. Did ya maybe notice you didn't catch anything big in the good pools and you were scratching out some forgettable fish in those ass busting sections?

    Be sure and leave some comments.

    Is that the one of the guys who’s the butt of the joke in “How to row a drift boat fly fishing?”

  10. #660
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    Greater Drictor Wydaho
    I dunno. But one of Roos vids when he refers to angling troglodytes he inserted a semi-subliminal picture of this dude. So fucking funny, I literally had to spit my coffee back into my mug to keep from spraying it.

    Dude gots a big hard on for my river so I'm very familiar with his "work". There's one where he's talking about the Teton but he's two miles up bitch creek. There's one where he's literally within sight of the bitch creek slide at sunset and instead of walking 1000 feet upstream to the slide, he panics and ascends offtrail up nasty, nasty cliff bands in the darkness. There's several where he barely catches anything in water so thick with trout it's a miracle he doesn't snag em. He's a putz.

    Here his latest. Dude spends minimal time in the good water, burns 3/4s of his day falling down on a brutal 1.5mi traverse around the frog water which isn't very productive midsummer and then when he finally gets to some of the best holding water full of stoneflies, he gives up and exits the canyon within 100yds of my trail which he never finds because he can't read a map or use googleearth to save his life. The water back near the parking lot is way better than where he wasted his day. He's a putz who wouldn't know good fishing from a dried dog turd if it jumped up and poked him in the eye. Those rapids and small pools he quit on without fishing are absolutely money in the summer. Dudes channel ought to be called Wrong Place, Wrong Time. Watch him go to bucket list rivers and then be in the wrong place, wrong timing, wrong tactics, etc... has a huge pack but doesn't bring tubes to strap on his rods so his hands are always full while climbs. Never uses a stick for balance. Hikes steep loose shit with exposure in wading boots so he eats shit all day long. Wears waders in the desert in August. Never brings enough drinking water.

    Amazing that he still hasn't figured out that the inside corner of these long sweeping bends has easier hiking and less risk of cliff outs.
    Last edited by neckdeep; 11-26-2024 at 12:24 PM.

  11. #661
    Join Date
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    might have been the last day of fishing at this fishery for this season

    pretty stoked to pull out this beaut of a cutty, 22" and all colored up too

    SFB picked up this dude too, who apparently decided that having one fish in his mouth wasn't enough

    good to see bob&co too

    time to go skiing!

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  12. #662
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by east or bust View Post

    Is that the one of the guys who’s the butt of the joke in “How to row a drift boat fly fishing?”
    I can't remember if he's referenced in that one specifically, but I take pot shots at him all the time. Because he's a fucking moron.

    His whole deal is that he's bitter about when he was learning how to fly fish people wouldn't tell him where to go or what to do. He feels that's unfair, and THAT is why he hotspots everywhere he goes. He's got a whole rant about it on his website.

    I love hate-watching as much as anyone else, but do yourselves a favor and block his channel. You'll be happier for it. Worked for me, anyway.

  13. #663
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    It's like, yeah he's an atrocious hotspotter, but he's just so, so bad at understanding trout that you wonder if anyone can find the signal in all the noise. 250 videos into the game and he's barely learned anything. It's hard to say exactly what he's worst at. His route finding skills are so incredibly bad it's kind of a miracle he's not dead yet. This fucking guy...I fully expect a video that ends with an SAR evac and I expect he'll be proud of that too.

    And, he's a faker. His videos are edited out of chronological sequence. He also like to stage his ingress/egress to backdrop scenic shots. Sets up a tripod on the rim and then climbs back up to it. Probably doesn't even realize there's a 200ft cliff below him and someone following his video as a route could get rimrocked.

    Here's another classic. Starts about 5 hours too late for this loop hike. Spends half the day getting cliffed out. Then, with darkness closing in, he ascends off trail into cliffs where he cant see an egress. Gets rimrocked. To top it off, he does this within sight of the raft slide that's a straight shot back up to his ride. Dude is so lucky he didn't grab a rattler climbing in the dark.

    Last edited by neckdeep; 11-24-2024 at 10:23 PM.

  14. #664
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    I clicked your link just to see who it was, and I remembered that guy’s videos ages ago. (It’s the ginormous camo pack and overall look.) I never looked at his shit since. He has no idea what he’s doing, and it seems now, he is incapable of learning. The thing that’s always good with these folks, is they never get anywhere near the fish I’m after.
    There’s definitely a category of these morons where they’re definitely more into videoing and editing than actually fishing, and it’s that way with a lot of sports. I do tons of video, but I’m basically the only person that looks at it.
    Well maybe I'm the faggot America
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

  15. #665
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    Jesus fuck. What did I just watch. It was like a car wreck you can't look away from. Everyone one of you who linked the aviator wearing douche canoe owes me a beer. I'll row.

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  16. #666
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    This is probably my favorite fishing channel. Gido is super laid back and gets the job done. Its always an adventure with Gido; the guy gets himself into some amazing fishing holes. He is the polar opposite of aviatior douche canoe. Gido is an accomplished rock climber and all around waterman on a quest to fish where no man has fished before. My kind of guy. I'm all about first tracks and "I wonder what lives at the bottom of this hole." I like to see fish behavior in its natural state not where it ends up after relentless pressure. I've got abundant bucket list water available to me for highly technical dry fly and frankly, I found it incredibly boring once I got good at it. Finding a big fish that nobody's caught before is more my thing, I guess. That's the deep fresh powder. Fishing a place like the Ranch, Silver Creek, Flat Creek etc, that's a beat down, rock hard mogul run, imho.

    Last edited by neckdeep; 11-25-2024 at 12:59 PM.

  17. #667
    Rasputin's Avatar
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    "That's the biggest one of the fucking pool" guy reminds me of this guy.

    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

  18. #668
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    The last few years I’ve decided to give suggestions or help out folks I see that are obviously struggling. I don’t seek them out. It’s more like I’m coming back from fishing a spot and they’re parked next to me, and ask how it was, etc., something like that. I would say most of the time they kind of just listen when I tell them that 2x w/ a size 4 humpy isn’t going to work during the midge hatch. They typically don’t have anything that is remotely close to what the fish are eating, but they seem to get it. About half the time, though, I can tell, they are not going to use any of my suggestions at all. I think these people don’t really wanna catch fish. It’d be nice, but I think they wanna just stand in the river and get away from the wife or something. It’s literally the opposite of why I fish.
    And then they go home to their mom’s basement and make videos ?
    Well maybe I'm the faggot America
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

  19. #669
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    First time out in a week; I got a heavy cutbow. I knew I'd get a good one, I had a week's worth of luck built up.

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    Last edited by Rasputin; 11-26-2024 at 07:05 PM.
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

  20. #670
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    Checked off a bucket list fish today (6 times). Fishing and catching started rough but man did it turn on.

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    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums
    Samuel L. Jackson as Jules Winnfield: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration?

  21. #671
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    2024 Fish Pic Thread

    Double post
    Last edited by teleee; 11-28-2024 at 08:39 AM.
    Samuel L. Jackson as Jules Winnfield: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration?

  22. #672
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    is everything
    Drum are fun ...
    I catch a bunch of big drum spring and fall
    if its got tits or will give you trouble..

  23. #673
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    The cloudy morning cleared off into a crisp sunny afternoon, but the water was cold, and the fish weren't biting much. I got a couple whitefish, and one trout.

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ID:	506067
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

  24. #674
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    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

  25. #675
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    On Monday I went out for a couple hours, not expecting much, and not much was achieved, I hooked and lost two trout (one maddeningly came off after I missed scooping it with the net) and landed a couple whitefish. Tuesday I had a job interview, the timing of which killed the day for fishing, and yesterday while productive, did not include fishing, so this morning I awoke with my mind set on an epic fishing day, well, at least a day which was focused on it.

    It did not appear to be an auspicious day for it though, when I looked at the outdoor thermometer, and it read 24 degrees. Missoula's infamous inversion was in place, and the cold air was trapped under high pressure, on the valley floor. The weather report promised freezing fog, burning off in the afternoon yielding sunshine, calm wind, and a high of 30. The weather report was not entirely accurate. The freezing fog produced hoar frost which I really like, and so the cold was well worth enduring.

    As I crossed a beaver dam, another one upstream lay frozen between frozen ponds.

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    The next braid of the Clark Fork was moving enough to prevent icing up.

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    Along the way, I thought to myself that since it was cold, that it would take a hearty meal to get the fish to make a move. I strung a hot head worm close behind a brown Pat's rubberlegs, though the Pat's got no love, the worm did quite well, landing three good sized trout and two whitefish in the first couple hours.

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    It was cold out, so much so, that my net lost all flexibility.

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    I went up stream, and on the edge of a backwater I crossed, the frost made the bank look like it was covered with flowers.

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    The fishing upstream was a bust, and the daylight was running short, so I headed back toward where I'd started the day. As I walked, the sun really tried to break through the heavy overcast, but failed.

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    Having returned to the "hot zone" to get in a few last casts before hiking back to the truck, a smaller, but pretty cutbow ate the worm to cap off the day. Not exactly epic, but a good day nonetheless.

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ID:	506553
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

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