You could tell you were getting closer to Rochester when the empty beer cans on the side of the road changed from Budweiser to Genesee.
You could tell you were getting closer to Rochester when the empty beer cans on the side of the road changed from Budweiser to Genesee.
"timberridge is terminally vapid" -- a fortune cookie in Yueyang
Y’all are confusing the upstate/downstate line with the regional subdivisions.....
This here is the upstate and downstate line of demarcation.
Here are the state mandated regional subdivisions....
of course, there’s lots of ways to skin a cat. You can slice and dice the state into a myriad of permutations
Snowfall totals is the only real measure of upstate that matters....
Don't you guys know that Genny is now a microbrew and Cream Ale has like a 4.8% on Untappd?
Do people from Buffalo like Tim Hortons cause we hate it here.
That last one is actually helpful, however even it splits Upstate into several N/S lines.
Snowfall and Recreation are nice, however I think I'd like one that is food based too.
I still call it The Jake.
The prosperous area looks like Ithaca.
I like how the NY map only includes Bills Mafia; everyone knows the Giants and the Jets (Just End the Season!) are Jersey teams.
Genny wasn't as popular in Buffalo, that's more Labatt and Molson country. When I moved to ROC, it was Genny and Honey Brown on repeat!
grew upin ithaca
pretty much the rest of the state outside of that area is a waste land of non intellects and conservatives
Chubby Jersey and long island college girls were a dime a dozen the hairy hippie dead head girls were more my thing
Ithaca ‘’10 square miles surrounded by reality’’
So I KQ'd Ithaca...
- The average income of a Ithaca resident is $16,718 a year. The US average is $28,555 a year.
- The Median household income of a Ithaca resident is $30,318 a year. The US average is $53,482 a year.
Are they counting the incomes of the student's parents to get to the prosperous category?
...something doesn't compute
"timberridge is terminally vapid" -- a fortune cookie in Yueyang
So that's the rub. Folks in NYC don't care about the regional divisions, to those small minded folks it's all upstate. The folks outside NYC care a great deal and take umbrage at being lumped into one. The only reason I feel like I care is that someone who had never left their block in the Bronx asked me where Vermont was and if it was somewhere upstate. So I am on the side of the regional folks. And I ran into someone from Poughkeepsie who thought upstate ENDED in Dutchess county. Which confused the heck out of me.
I liked “Gambling With Billy Fucillo”.
I want a Beef on Weck and some Utica Greens now.
Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident
does anyone even live there?
I vote to just give it back to Canada. Or russia. I mean, who really gives a fuck.
"Can't you see..."
Could you imagine if you tried to give Ontario the Bills Mafia?
I still call it The Jake.
The NFL has tried.
"timberridge is terminally vapid" -- a fortune cookie in Yueyang