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Thread: Shit! Ruptured disc?

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Last Best City in the Last Best Place
    Wow very midieval looking!

    My question is how is any of this, including the Y strap, any different than the spinal manipulation done by a chiro?

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    here and there
    Recently back in the jacked up back club.

    Been here bee4.

    Torn muscle, working thru it.

    Sent pm to skideepow
    watch out for snakes

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    In a van... down by the river
    Well, I'm back in the herniated-disc club. Sunday prior to T'giving I woke up with horrid pain that was centered in my hip area. Right leg was pretty much useless, along with pretty bad foot drop.

    Went in the next day to see my primary and got an order for an MRI the Wednesday prior to T'giving. With my history of blown L4/L5 I was glad to not wait a bunch of weeks "seeing if it will get better" like the first go-round with the L4/L5 blowout.

    Got in to see the spine guy on Dec. 9th and was confirmed to be yet another fairly decent herniation which was impacting both my L4/5 root as well as the S1 root. With my symptoms they were concerned about permanent nerve damage, so got an expedited request into insurance for a 2nd microdiscectomy (first was back in 2012).

    Spine guy had an opening on Friday the 13th so they put in an emergent request for authorization to United Healthcare on the morning of Dec. 10th. Which UHC fucked around with until it was too late to actually *do* the surgery on the 13th, so I waited nearly a whole extra week (Dec. 19th) to get in and have the procedure done.

    Now recovering from surgery - foot drop is *very* slowly showing some improvement, and each day is a bit better than the day before. Heading back in for my follow-up on the 9th of Jan and hoping to be in reasonably decent shape to start PT thereafter.

    Worst part of the timing on this whole thing is that the wife and I were going to head to Switzerland for our 25th anniversary in March and spend a week at the Euro Grumble and then another week in Zermatt - both of which, at this point, are fukkered.

    Ah, well - there's always next season, right?

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Last Best City in the Last Best Place
    Damn man. That sucks. Hope your rehab goes well.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    in the trench
    Pretty cool youre seeing those improvements right out of the gate. Continued healing budz!

    Sent from my SM-S711W using TGR Forums mobile app

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    You said you've been through this before so I'm sure you know what to expect. When I blew two discs into a million pieces and had dual bilateral discectomys, I was probably 90% in a month. I did some serious nerve damage and still have a really weak left foot, but besides that, I was surprised how quickly I was able to get back to doing normal things. Hopefully you can make your trip, but getting the back right definitely has to be the priority.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Maine Coast
    Good to hear came through surgery with healing happening so fast. Foot drop is the weirdest thing

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Ah shit man, sorry to hear this. I too have old herniated disc injuries. That shit is no fun.

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    In a van... down by the river
    Quote Originally Posted by cat in january View Post
    Good to hear came through surgery with healing happening so fast. Foot drop is the weirdest thing
    Yep. It's annoying as fuck.

    Surgery follow-up is next Monday, and I hope to get into PT ASAP, as I'm feeling pretty decent, all things considered.

    Still kinda walking on eggshells, though - don't want to do anything stupid that sets me back at all.

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