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This Group Wants a Burrito

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  1. MuleSkinner
    Totally craving a burrito now! Thanks a lot. Now the question is D.O.G or Pica's?
  2. FrankZappa
    Pork burrito!

    'nuff said.

    Well, OK. With rice & frijole's.
  3. Steven S. Dallas
    Steven S. Dallas
    I am going to go have a burrito soon. Very soon.
  4. BaconMan
    How could I say no? Dos, por favor!
  5. Hutch
    Just had a steak burrito, but I would like another.
  6. MarsB
    I Qdoba-d last nite, as a matter of fact. And I'll do it again.
  7. Hugh Conway
    Hugh Conway
    taco loco, wenatchee, wet carnitas burrito. post july skiing. with horchata.
  8. FrankZappa
    [sigh]I'm still waiting for my burrito paraphernalia... the thought of it making me drool uncontrollably... now it's just a bad case of cotton-mouth[/sniffle]
  9. squirrelmurphy
    carnitas, rice, black beans, peppers, onion, guac, MMMMM
  10. HuckSolo
    You know that Illegal Petes has the best burritos ever...mmm
    mi tortuga se incendia
Results 11 to 20 of 33
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