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Florida Man Arrested for Pawning Stolen Mountain Bikes

Wikimedia Commons Photo.

A Florida man, who was reportedly wanted in Washington, California, Nevada, Colorado, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida, was arrested after attempting to pawn $40,000 worth of stolen mountain bikes in Boise, Idaho.

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The owner of a local outdoor store that buys used bikes became suspicious after discovering a bike shop’s sticker on one of the bikes. After calling the bike store and confirming the bike had been stolen, the owner of the outdoor store called the police. After following the suspect for several blocks, the police performed a traffic stop, discovered the thief had a criminal record, and found 11 stolen bikes inside his storage van.

The thief then informed the offices he had a medical condition and was taken to a hospital. After being cleared by medical staff, the man attempted to escape but was detained by officers and is facing charges.

Bike thieves tend to steal in bulk and then sell across state lines. While it may be difficult to lock up your mountain bike near the trail, we urge you to take necessary precautions. 

About The Author

stash member MacGregor Beatty

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It is very sad to hear this news about the arrest of a Florida man who pawns stolen mountain bikes.  social media marketing kochi  This incident clearly shows the failure in securing valuable public assets. Therefore the government should take some steps to ensure the security of public assets immediately.

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After spotting a sticker from a bike shop on one of the bikes, the proprietor of a nearby outdoor business that sells used bicycles grew suspicious. | tampa roof cleaning

The burglar then notified the officials that he was being sent to a hospital due to a medical ailment.  See:
