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Alta and Snowbird Closed for a Second Day

Snowbird and Alta have both gotten over two feet of snow in the past 48 hours, and forecasts call for another foot by tomorrow. Little Cottonwood Canyon's SR-210 is closed for avalanche mitigation work, and both resort's employees and visitors are confined inside by interlodge travel restrictions.

RELATED: Massive Avalanche Cycle Hits Montana's Flathead Range

The snow is supposed to slacken throughout Friday night, so the resorts will likely open at some point on Saturday. With three feet of untouched powder on tap, it's sure to be quite a weekend in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Smart shredders will leave plenty of time for what will almost certainly be a bumper-to-bumper drive up the canyon. 

About The Author

stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.
