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Finding Beauty in Failure - Granite Peak, MT

Granite Peak, in all its glory, just above my head..... Possible shirt slogan - "I went all the way to Granite Peak and all I got was a selfie"

A couple of weeks ago, Toby Marman (I say yes to Toby's ideas a lot easier today than I did a few years ago, I am still usually way out of my element every time though) and I went and tried to climb Granite Peak in the Beartooths of Montana.  Granite is the state's highest point, and considered by many to be the toughest summit of the lower 48 state high points.  We never got to try for the summit, but a few days in an an almost otherworldly backcountry was a nice consolation.  It was tough to back down from our objective, but Mother Nature was sending pretty strong signals that we weren't supposed to be up there and she is in charge.  After struggling with the decision to turn back, we realized the Mountain isn't going anywhere, and we can go back for another shot at it one day.... failure is the best teacher and we learned a few tricks we will have tucked up our sleeves on the next trip. 

About The Author

stash member Aspire Outside

I like to make my way outdoors..... usually something good comes of it.