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Surfing Winter Storm Juno

As the snow continues to pile up in the East, skiers and snowboarders are flocking north to shred the uncharacteristically deep snowpack. Meanwhile, in Montauk, New York, local surfers are taking full advantage of the swells from these winter storms. This popular summer destination takes on a radically different image in the newest edit from Tauk is Cheap Productions. The clean breaks and empty lineups will tempt you to swap your powder skis for a surfboard and wrestle into your winter wetsuit. Juno rocked the Northeast, and with another storm currently pounding the area the powder surfing isn't going anywhere.

About The Author

stash member claredurkin

NH raised and Jackson Hole transplant. Weakness for big bumps and frozen hardpack. Lover of Springsteen, the New York Giants and my beagle Simon.