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Death To Hipsters!!!

As a born-and-bred East Coast surfer (NH in da haus!), I have an inbred affinity for Alex DePhillipo and Andrew Gessler.  The founders of Dark Fall Productions, who have been producing well-made and compelling surf videos covering the New Jersey surf scene along with pros around the world (just gonna throw a "Kelly Slater" into this post for the SEO value ;) ). But their upcoming offering premiering July 17th in Atlantic City, Death 2 Hipsters, covers different grounds entirely.

Death 2 Hipsters bills itself as a "surf comedy." Attempting to attach comedy to action sports has almost always thrown a project into a deadly tailspin of critical failure unseen since the days of the Hindenburg, but Alex and Andrew, who plays the part of the despised hipster in this as-yet-indescribable-surf-related-film, have gotten us seriously excited by utilizing the classic Michael Bay plot-hype tools, scenes of pure randomness, and an animation sequence where Jack Freestone (ya know, Alanna Blanchard's boyfriend) is a pink bird. Whatever the hell this thing ends up being, we're sure as shit looking forward to it. 

Of course, there will actually be some surfing in this thing, as evidenced by the cold-water shoot Alex put on the internet earlier this year:

About The Author

stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.