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Australian Man Saves Wife From Shark Attack By Punching Great White

It’s been a sharky year in Australian waters, with five fatal shark attacks and a handful of close encounters. Yet another occurred just a few days ago, when a 35-year-old woman was attacked by a great white while surfing at Shelly Beach in Port Macquarie. The shark bit the woman in the leg and refused to let go. According to news reports, the woman’s husband quickly paddled over and began punching the shark until it released his wife.

RELATED: 15-Year-Old Surfer Dies in Australian Shark Attack

The woman suffered severe injuries to her leg, but survived the attack after receiving first aid on the scene and subsequently being airlifted to the hospital.

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stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.