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The best rap video ever? Snowboard Anthem ‘Shorty Wanna Ride’

International playboy and antique dealer Eric Rhea knows how to have a good time! When Eric isn't pimping his snowboard game and making rap videos on various continents he's using his social and business acumen to organize and facilitate Black Ski Summits for the National Brotherhood of Skiers.

RELATED: Black Turns Matter – Why there aren't more African-Americans in snowsports

Last winter, Eric sat down with the TGR editorial team to discuss diversity in action sports. Currently, he's in Hokkaido somewhere near Rusutsu (won't say where) pillaging endless fields of powder. Keep inspiring the youth, Eric!

Here is a 2nd Snowboard Anthem video:

    ANd the clean (curse-freee) version:

Various continents he’s using his social and business acumen to organize and facilitate Black Ski Summits. Roofing Companies Tracy

About The Author

stash member Sam Morse

TGR Editor-at-Large. author of The Ski Town Fairytale and creative behind The Bumion. Lover of steep-and-deep lines, long trails—and hot springs waiting in the distance.