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Sunday River First To Fire Snow Guns For 15/16 East Coast Season

Snow guns–the siren song of East Coast skiers every fall. Their compressed air and water are almost always what lets the first turns of the East Coast winter happen, and Sunday River traditionally tries to make it happen outrageously early; often before Halloween if temps allow. 

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Just this morning, in the pre-dawn hours, temps were cold enough atop Sunday River's Locke Mountain to allow the snowmaking crew to fire up the snow guns for a first-of-the-season test. While you won't be able to march up there and nab some September turns in Maine (although, theoretically, nothing is stopping you from scrambling up their on your own to do so), the overbearing sound of compressed air and water hammering fake snow out of a hanging beam marks the unofficial countdown to the start of winter on the Right Coast. 

About The Author

stash member Ryan Dunfee

Former Managing Editor at Teton Gravity Research, current Senior Contributor, current professional hippy at the Sierra Club, and avid weekend recreationalist.