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How the Skate Banana Revolutionized the Snowboard

"Anything that has a banana contour is just going to make snowboarding more fun." 

Yep, seems about right. I'm a skier through and through, but even I kind of want to ride this board. It's the 10 year anniversary of the Lib Tech Skate Banana, and when a board is so good they make a movie about it, you know it's a big deal. 

Who remembers when snowboards were basically two-by-fours? I don't, but I bet Travis Rice does.  The Lib Tech crew had a huge impact on how that cambered board eventually turned into the smeary, flowy, fun, playful thing boarders know and ride today. 

Also, this. 


About The Author

stash member Leslie Hittmeier

Leslie is a freelance writer and photographer. Storytelling is her focus and she spends her time following badass skiers and climbers around in their natural habitats. As an obsessed skier and climber herself, she plays and trains in the Tetons.