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GoPro POV: Travis Rice and Elias Elhardt Shred AK Spines

Travis Rice clearly loves spines over any other variety of terrain, and while I've never personally ridden a 2,000-foot AK spine in ideal conditions, I'll agree that it looks like outrageous fun. As a case in point, check out this POV edit from last season in which Rice and fellow snowboarder Elias Elhardt headed up to Alaska's Tordrillo Mountain Lodge for "a celebration of space and time," which as far as we can tell is Rice-ese for "ripping the shit out of some spines."

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Conditions were ideal, as becomes more and more obvious throughout the edit. Did they touch anything other than bottomless powder on this trip? Doesn't seem like it. Even Travis, who presumably has experienced the finest snow conditions known to mankind sometime during his long and storied career, is left speechless. Travis and Elias' full film Dark Matter is available here if you're looking for more powdery, spiny goodness.

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About The Author

stash member Zack Skovron

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, now living in Jackson, WY. I’m an avid skier, biker, hiker, climber, and fisherman. Outside of sports, my major interests focus on public policy surrounding land use and energy systems.