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TGR’s Almost Ablaze Crash Reel

In honor of TGR's first ever Safety Week and the second day of IPRW, we have decided to release the crash reel from Almost Ablaze. For every banger shot in the film this year you can bet that there was an equally epic crash. From Nick McNutt's explosions when landing switch or Dana Flahr tumbling down an entire Revelstoke spine line the carnage is complete and cringe worthy. To be a pro-skier is not the easiest life, and this video proves that it might have some small disadvantages. 

About The Author

stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.