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​Video: The Transition Crew Heads North of the Border on the new TR11

We’ve long known that the Transition Bikes crew knows how to have a good time on two wheels – but the introduction of their newest party bike, the all-new TR11 (yes it’s allow, and yes it’s a mullet), just led them to go off the rails. Heading north deep into Canada with Esperanto athletes Johny Salido and Hannah Bergemann in tow, the crew rode some classic BC freeride spots including Kamloops and Farwell Canyon to name a few.

It looks really cool and their all-new TR11 probably gives you more options to do those tricks on the bike.  |  waste disposal and junk hauling services in Port, St Lucie | Florida.

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About The Author

stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.