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​TRAILER: Reed Boggs in “Riding Off Cliffs”

Well, sometimes the name just says it all. Reed Boggs, thank you for your honesty when it came to selecting a title for your new film. Pro freeride mountain biker Reed Boggs has been pushing the sport quietly over the last few years, somewhat flying under the radar despite some insane riding. His new feature-length film project Riding Off Cliffs aims to change that. It’s an intimate look inside the lifestyle of being a freerider at the highest level – from hanging with friends all the way to Red Bull Rampage. The full film drops Spring 2022.

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Nice video. Great moves. It was very exciting to watch.

The video is amazing, but I’m most definately interested in this one.

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.