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​The Athlete Edits: Tomomi Nishikubo x Esperanto

Of all the segments in Esperanto, Tomomi Nishikubo’s undoubtedly stands out the most. Set to beautifully appropriate music, the Japanese trials rider takes his precision bike handling skills to the streets of Tokyo in a mind-blowing performance. Filming the segment was a massive challenge, with Japan closed due to Covid restrictions. Tomomi convinced us he could get it done with a crew of local filmers and the help of his Canyon bike so we trusted him and let him loose. Nishikubo has been riding bikes for 18 years, moving over from a brief career in motocross during his youth. His early inspiration to riding trials came from watching online videos of Danny Macaskill and Fabio Wibmer. After winning the Japanese Trials Championships in 2016 and 2017, he set his sights on shooting next-level video parts, culminating in his downtown Tokyo segment in Esperanto. Get to know more about Nishikubo in his Esperanto athlete edit, and catch him on the Esperanto film tour – tickets and tour information are available here.

Tomomi's riding is really unlike anything else. | Satoshi Saijo photo.

Sure beats being stuck in downtown traffic. | Satoshi Saijo photo.

Cherry blossoms are a big part of Japanese are wheelies, we think. | Satoshi Saijo photo.

Tomomi goes shopping. | Satoshi Saijo photo.

Scariest skinny in Tokyo? | Satoshi Saijo photo.

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.